Logo: Le musée des Beaux arts de Rouen : une petite merveille


The Blue Cornflower Project🌿 Le Projet Bluet Bleu

Calling all artists

We are creating our first online exhibit.
There is no due date to receive your works. Send them whenever you are ready and they will be included within a day or so.  Your entry will be posted for thirty days and then rotated and/or included in other exhibits. 
Our first entry will be displayed December 1st.

For these first few shows we are inviting photographs of your works for paintings, drawings, sculpture, photographs and needle craft.  Anything you create that has at least one blue cornflower in it. Once your art has been uploaded for viewing online it will remain for thirty days. 

What we need: 

We need the following that will be included in the public listing.
ALL ages are invited to participate. 

For the first few shows we only use the image and do not require the actual art.  We will offer different opportunities at various times. You are welcome to submit to any and all. 

Thank you for participating and please plant some blue cornfield flower seeds and invite your friends to our ongoing exhibit.

Please use the following format for photographs of all submissions. 

Please email all submissions to 4000Children@gmail.com

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